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Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Cost of Bankruptcy

I went to see Bankruptcy Lawyer Number Two today.

If you recall, I saw a lawyer a couple of weeks ago, who told me that his fees to take the case would be $2300. I was shocked that bankruptcy would be so expensive. If you're bankrupt, you most certainly don't have $2300 lying around. I noticed that that lawyer seemed to be well-off, with dark wood & leather all over his office, & a nice suit to greet me in. I thought that maybe he charges $2300 just because he can.

So I wanted a second opinion. I called the Lawyer Referal Directory, which charged me $35 to find an attorney for me in Tempe. Everyone gets their share of the pie, I guess. I called their referal & they said they were available to see me this afternoon. Great!

I walked into the office, which was an old converted house, & noticed that their carpeting was the same cheap-o carpeting that I have in my own place of business. Good sign, I thought. Bankruptcy Lawyer Number Two greeted me in jeans & tennis shoes. Another good sign.

Not so much. It turns out that Bankruptcy Lawyer Number Two wants $2500 to take the case. Holy Moley! I asked if there were any payment plans. He said that no, the entire fee must be paid before filing the case. He blamed that on the courts, as he looked out the window.

So now I'm left wondering: what kind of system allows you to file bankruptcy, but doesn't give you an affordable way to do it? What happens to all of us stuck in the middle?


Wendy said...

Wow, this is truly mind boggling to me....let me ask my friend who is an attorney elsewhere if she has any other advice...

Gantry York said...

Did you get my email where I referred you to my friend Rich?

I didn't even charge you $35.

He handles bankruptcy and he said he can do it for under $2300.